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Disney & Nick : Movies
My information blog about Disney, Nick, and Walden films

12 August 2007

A Tribute to Walden Media


I'd have to say the best movie industry in my opinion besides Disney & Nick [they're too hugh to compare] is Walden Media. You'd have seen this logo in lots of your favorite movie but you might not notice. Ok, if your favorite movies are;

Narnia <<-- Disney's
Bridge to Terabithia <<-- Disney's
Hoot [My cody!!]
How To Eat Fried Worms [ewww]
Charlotte's Web <<-- Nick's
Because Of Winn Dixie

Well, they all made by Walden Media, usually the book adaptation. So I'd love to share with you that Walden rocks! I've never disappoint in one of the movies from Walden, how amazing.

Now about thier future projects, There're many more ;

The Seeker : Dark Is Rising [from the second book of Dark Is Rising Sequence]
Narnia : Prince Caspian
Mr.Magorium's Wonder Emporium

All the links are in the side of this page, and I'm going to introduce the movies one by one,

I'm writing this article because some of Walden's Production is not Disney or Nick at all, so you wouldn't wonder. ^^

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